Anonymous ID: 789e4f Dec. 20, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.12105875   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nah! Too many pussy Snowflakes indoctrinated by schools and fag/gay wishy-washy parent or parents!

I remember the 90’s when the Patriot movement was strong. Compared to now, there seems to be more vocal Patriots who up to this point, haven’t done a thing other than talk on social media. No organization, no real dialogue, other than social media.

This shit won’t get done sitting behind a computer or device.

What did the liberals do? They took it to the streets and were kind of effective in a way! They had the msm media backing them up too! We won’t get any support from msm or from other groups, they hate freedom and hate Trump.