Anonymous ID: 8d2afe Dec. 20, 2020, 1:32 p.m. No.12107533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7569



Christ Jesus taught to pray to the Father,

who is in Heaven.

The meaning of "to pray" is "to ask".

Asking (praying to) any other entity in Heaven to intercede is disobeying Christ,

and opening one to demonic activity.

Christ did not teach to ask other entities in Heaven to intercede.

He taught to pray directly to the Father.

Even the Saints in the Scriptures to whom angels from Heaven were sent,

did not themselves invoke those angels, ever.

The angels were sent by God.

God was deciding to whom He would have His angels speak.

Anonymous ID: 8d2afe Dec. 20, 2020, 1:33 p.m. No.12107550   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Seeking by a familiar spirit is anathema to God.

Christ Jesus taught to pray to the Father,

who is in Heaven.

'The meaning of "to pray" is "to ask".

Asking (praying to) any other entity in Heaven to intercede is disobeying Christ,

and opening one to demonic activity.

(NOTE: Though angels were sent from Heaven by God to speak to men,

NONE of those Saints anywhere in Scripture INVOKED them.)

The claim would be this is not praying to "her".

Why the "Amen"?

There is not even one instance in Scripture where any other being in heaven was invoked by godly folk.

They knew they were only to seek God for spiritual aid and mercy.

And this is not the same as asking someone on earth to pray for you.

Praying to any other entity in heaven is not the same as asking someone on earth to pray.

This is because when Christ taught prayers directed toward Heaven,

are to be prayed to the Father.

His teaching nothing to do with asking those on earth to pray for you.

He was teaching how to address relative to the Heavenly realm.

Anonymous ID: 8d2afe Dec. 20, 2020, 1:35 p.m. No.12107564   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Vatican City is trying to clean up its image by playing good cop and bad cop.


continuing to place the U.S.

(since the mid-1800's when it was dedicated to that familiar spirit)

and the whole world under the "mantle of the Queen of Victories" as the "Unconquered Leader in battle",

of whom it is claimed was immaculately conceived,

is IDOLATRY of the more evil form.

There is no queen of Heaven;

she is not the "unconquered leader in battle",


and she was not immaculately conceived,

but the true Mary was born in sin as any other human born of an earthly father has and is.

Continuing in this idolatry is ACCURSED,

and does not invoke blessings.

This is being purposely done by Vatican City to CURSE the U.S.

Vatican City has been,

and even before it became a principality,

a sworn enemy of the U.S. and all other nations refusing to submit to the Papacy claiming to rule over all nations and kings as well as over all the Body of Christ

(of which the religion of Vatican City is NOT, but is ANTICHRIST).

Flee from that Harlot and her False Prophet!


Now, there was previously a response to my above to which I responded:


>Just know there is a "Deep Church" within Catholicism that is EVIL, just like there's a Deep State within our government.


It is not "just like". The Papacy is "Deep Church" against true Christianity.


>…the Catholic Church has been infiltrated and has been for a long time. That means we have a Church in need of reform (and it's coming)….


The Papacy is the infiltration, and those of the Reformation, themselves having once been its followers, had come to understand this, but the Papacy squashed them like bugs. Trent called down the curses of heaven upon them, condemning them, and answered with the Counter Reformation, run by the Jesuits, whose boy is up there now. When you say "a long time", this is (purposely) vague. Be more specific, such as when Roman Emperor Justinian I, ruling in Constantinople, created the office of "bishop of bishops" in 536 AD, removing Silverius, the overseer of a local Roman congregation, and replacing him with Vigilius in his political effort to reunite the West and the East.


>There are pedo's in the Church because there has been a masonic/marxist/satanic agenda to infiltrate the church with effeminate, homosexual, pedo CLERGY since the 1950's.


See my previous response. These things entered in because of what happened long before that. The Rothschilds controlled (control) the Masonic cult. As for Marxism, Marx was trained in a Jesuit founded school in Trier, Germany, at the same time the Rothschilds had gained control of the Papacy, all in the 1830's. The Rothschilds WITH the Jesuits invented Marxism, named after its pupil to whom they taught it. The Papacy lay in bed with the Rothschilds looking to regain its former power it had during the "Holy Roman Empire", which had been dissolved in 1806, after the Bishop of Rome was captured and imprisoned in 1796. With the dissolution of the HRE, the kings had tossed the Harlot off their backs (only to be controlled by the Rothschilds, however). The Papacy understood who now controlled things, and looked to get a piece of the action.


>The Catholic Church has been attacked the hardest among religions because it is the TRUTH.


Never mind all those Christians and Reformers the Papacy condemned and sent to the magistrates to execute after the "Hounds of god" (Dominicans) hunted them down. So that claim of the poor Popish religion being the most attacked is a lie. It's exactly the other way around. IT has attacked Christianity more than any other entity in its effort to keep up its sham at the direction of its False Prophet, and it is doubly evil because it is doing so in the name of God, as a pretender.


>It is the Church Jesus left the world when He ascended in to heaven.


The Congregation Christ Jesus left the world when He ascended into Heaven was that which the Prophets and the Apostles laid. They laid the Foundation, which is Christ, NOT Peter, with the same Doctrine Christ Jesus taught them and as that which the Prophets foretold according to the Laws of Moses. Therefore, any teaching the Prophets and the Apostles did not teach is not a part of that Foundation. This is why the Papacy had to invent a three-legged stool, since much of what it teaches is not what they taught.


>The gates of hell will NOT prevail against it.


The Papacy IS the gates of hell, and it will NOT prevail against that which the Prophets and the Apostles have laid and upon which all true Christians are built.

Anonymous ID: 8d2afe Dec. 20, 2020, 1:52 p.m. No.12107734   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The "letter of the Law"?

It is a direct teaching of Christ.

He did not teach to address everything because "God is in everything" (omniscience is not the same as God not being in everything,

as though He is omniscient, He is not in Satan).

He taught to address God in Heaven.

That is a specific Person in a specific place.

And thanks for your concern,

but I've thought of these things for decades.

Anonymous ID: 8d2afe Dec. 20, 2020, 1:56 p.m. No.12107782   🗄️.is 🔗kun



As the time gets short,

so is the constriction of who passes through the narrow opening.

Some of those closest to him were saved for the last moments of battle,

making their resistance more lethal optically,

to be used by DS.