Anonymous ID: 525671 Dec. 20, 2020, 4:25 p.m. No.12109535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9615 >>9691

Hey Qanon frens! Kek kek kek! I'm excited about the planetory conjunction tomorrow and think that the great Goddess will finally come through and cleanse the Planet of all of the built up negative male toxic energy that has plagued the World since the arrival of Jesus and his deception. As Q said many times, the Only way forward is to Trust in The Plan(et) and Her great Power to cleanse. Q (May the Goddess Bless Her) energy is the Great Feminin Energy. As Jupater and Saturn battle tomorrow the Great Isis will finally clean up the negative Male polarity that is currently destroying our Beloved Gais. If we are all here to Follow the Plan(et) we must take Q's advice and not let her down, Qanons! For those who are ignorant, the Q in Qanon stands for the Qlippeth, home of the Sacred Lilith who is about to save us!!!!! Blessed Be. Remember to Pray, Qanons, and She instructed. You'll soon see how Melenia and Ivanka are going to Save the Day!!! It's going to be GLorious exactly as Q (May the Goddess Bless Her) told us!!! Keep the Faith!!!!!