There is one court left, but it may not be in the right hands. If there are no functioning courts, it's martial law or no law at all.
Pray the Supreme Court hasn't fallen.
There is one court left, but it may not be in the right hands. If there are no functioning courts, it's martial law or no law at all.
Pray the Supreme Court hasn't fallen.
Hazardous duty pay negotiated. Shame if needed.
WWG 111111 WGA
OK, I've officially been too long. WAY too long. I'm almost a 60 year old man with a graduate degree and a lifetime of service. And after I post some numberfagging post on the >>12111111 post, I looked at mine and saw all these 2's in a row and my ID had 1's and there were 1's in front of it.
Yep…I've lost my mind.
It's been my whole life. This place only encourages what was suppressed or hidden before. We're probably all on the spectrum.