My only concern is that I doubt the Q team or even just POTUS would hinge the entire election on pence. There's multiple plans.
revisiting my post from lb, we know POTUS has a history of working with/around mob families and federal figures. I doubt he is so 'clean' that he wouldn't meet their threats and aggression with force.
unless at some point pence has shown great sacrifice and allegance to the cause, there is no way Q team/POTUS rests the plan on pence or anyone not in that 10.
JB gets vax, deds himself, blame POTUS for rushing vax, cama-cama-cama-cama-kamala becomes dem nom?
Here's the thing anon,
A good leader listens to all sides to make an informed decision. Of course POTUS has nay-sayers, he also has savage warriors who want nothing more to put holes in souls and make deepstate players assume room temperature.
Appear weak when you are strong.
>mi familia