The COVID relief // new budget bill of a Trillion bux is a carbon copy of the " Too Big To Fail " - T.A.R.P. bailouts of 2007
Same fucking playbook as when zero entered office
conservative treehouse
The COVID relief // new budget bill of a Trillion bux is a carbon copy of the " Too Big To Fail " - T.A.R.P. bailouts of 2007
Same fucking playbook as when zero entered office
conservative treehouse
i'll take Nickoli Chaochescue for $ 200
anon just heard more bullshit dribble on Faux news by Mittens Romney and thought , he is the not quite highest ranking sleeper change agent
" 33 " kinda says it all
not lost on anons that this spending bill is passed at Christmas the same way The Federal Reserve Act was pushed through by stealth
sympathy for the debbil
the fuck is E ?
looking like an anderson pooper clone
The Great Awakening Behold 150 Million William Coopers where only thousands stood before
[ newfags read Behold A Pale Horse ]
" You can't break me because you didn't make me " – Hurricane Carter
brought to you by
the people Rush , Hannity , Levin , Beck , Sexton nobody will ever talk about !
Ask why
William Cooper explained it this way;
when the adepts + change agents ( SLEEPERS - 5th Column ) do enough public work in bringing about the New World Order , the are taken behind the veil ( sooper double secret " Big Club " where the continue to persue THE GREAT WORK and the become one of the " thousand points of traitor assholes "