If you do not understand what is written in the Bible or how to decode it, ask the Divine One for guidance, persist, persist even more. One day your heart will be judged and the answers will be given by the Spirit of Truth.
If you do not understand what is written in the Bible or how to decode it, ask the Divine One for guidance, persist, persist even more. One day your heart will be judged and the answers will be given by the Spirit of Truth.
I answered that, but let me put it another way. there are many that prophecy but without having revelation they are only using their reasoning.
People are constantly thinking of self preservation. It can get out of hand until it becomes pure evil like what we are fighting here. Self sacrifice is the way of the cross, Jesus said if any of you are to follow me bear your own crosses. Can you be faithful even unto death believing in his redemption? Measure you path and ways by how much of your own life it costs you. Believing is acting as if something is true. With this persistence, it will lead to proof, but few find the door, much less walk through it. To who's glory?