>>12112171 (lb)
>wasn't necessarily trying to make the Q/messiah connection, but i recognize the commonalities
>great insight anon, thank you
Your welcome. Just saw it as an opportunity to share a different perspective on this subject. My first research assignment in elementary school was to split up into small groups in the Library and my group's research question was "which religion did the 3 wise men belong to?" The question intrigued me because I wasn't aware of any other religion besides Christianity and when we discovered that they were Zoroastrian Magi, I never forgot it and knew it must have been something very important, so later in life, I began to research the topic and was amazed to learn that Zarathustra was likely the first philosopher to talk about the importance of Truth and human free will. I also recognize that there are those in the words of Bob Marley, who feel that they "must fulfill the book." For example, consider how the globalists are pushing this COVID vaccine as the mark of the Beast. The bible can be interpreted in many ways. Ivan Illich, for example, believed that the "anti-Christ" was the "Institution" and that we were approaching a point in human history were the Institution's mask of care will be removed to reveal the evil within. I think this is what the Great Awakening is all about. It is also interesting that we have always been taught through popular culture that the word, "apocalypse", has a negative connotation, as the end of the world, but in reality, the words original meaning is "a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge which has been hidden." It will be the end for those who cling to Institutions for their salvation, but humanity will be freed from those chains which currently bind us. It will not be easy, but if we follow the golden rule and love thy neighbor, we can work together to bring about something new.