Or he could invoke the insurrection act, but I think Trump wants various folks to seriously suggest such shiite so when he doesn't do anything like it but still wins handily he seems even more Presidential. And a nice guy.
You mean which God.
Enki, Enlil or Isis.
Since the goddess of America, Columbia, is actually Isis, and there's a huge statue of her in NY harbor, and an obelisk representing her dead husbands dick in DC, prolly Isis.
There will be military tribunals whether ML or the IA is invoked or not.
Do you even myth dude?
start here:
Bill Cooper, Mystery Babylon - Hour 4 - Osiris & Isis (Part 1/2)
Did you watch that video anon posted earlier?
Churchill pronounced Nazis "Noughties".
"Semper Supra"
Sounds interesting but I'm a big history sceptic.
Did you know Genghis Kahn was white? always depicted that way until a Papal decree ordered that he be rendered as Asian.
See the video from one of my favorite history researchers, Sylvie Ivanowa's newearth channel series "When The Survivors Of Atlantis Wake Up"
What, you didn't know?
You musta listened to WC.
I listened to the whole series, and some other stuff.
The off earth economies are where they're taking a lot of the stuff the slaves of Earth are making.
Same as it ever was.
half gets all the best larpers