My guess is that the lawyers and policy wonks realize their plan of normie intellectual enlightenment via legal and media savvy reports of fraud details isn't going to work. The Ds's complete disregard for legal or unbiased reporting complete dismantles any attempt from a legal or media front.
The smashmouth crew is in charge now.
Byrne is correct, IMO. The limp dicks don't won't to destroy too much of the swamp infrastructure because their status and career potential is derived from it.
Anyone with an aggregate adding up to more than 0 fucks given wrt to the fate of the swamp infrastructure is like tits on a bull at this juncture.
The last weeding out as just occurred.
Byrne is a pleasant surprise, to me, being present in the inner circle at this meeting. Fuck you money and he rubs elbows with high level IT techs and quant gurus.
Also, Lin Wood called out Meadows in the Josh Phillips Q & A (I think) and trashed Cippolone in a tweet earlier. So Lin must be involved, even if he wasn't at the meeting. Tag team with Sidney, I bet. I wonder who the legal guru was who took out Cippolone, with legal rebuttals during that meeting?
Maggie NYT has been warned that martial law was not discussed. They have her set up now, if she doubles down on it. Seems like someone ran a canary trap on Cippolone and Maggie NYT.