Ready for January 20, Anons?
The Plan is going great huh?
Ready for January 20, Anons?
The Plan is going great huh?
So…you are ready for January 20, right?
>do you not understand what Trump taking down the CIA means?
How is he doing that exactly? By putting that obliviously corrupt Gina bitch in charge of the fucking CIA?
PLEASE explain that to me.
Never going to happen under Biden.
Everything is going back to normal after Trump is gone.
It will be just like with Obama.
I'm still waiting for arrests.
More baseless conspiracy theories.
Without facts you are no difference from CNN "anonymous sources".
Biden will be the president and there's literally nothing you can do about that.
Even crazy cult leaders use Bible verses to amplify their message. That means nothing.
See you in January 20 then?
I'll be posting here as "Joe Biden" and laughing my ass off.
See you there.
Oh! Don't mind me.
I'm just a peaceful observer.
I know full well humans have no solutions for humanity problems.
I just enjoy watching they try really hard…and fail miserably.
Lalalalala…I don't what to hear the truth…
>Fuck around and find out.
I will. I already told people.
I'll be here January 20 posting as "Joe Biden".
See you there.
It's going to be fun!
Q or Q+ doesn't care about the truth. It's all about reaching the largest audience possible.
Do you really think a REAL Christian would be working side-by-side with Jews who hate Jesus?
Would a REAL Christian hold a Gay Pride flag with the scription "Gays For Trump"?
C'mon man! You are smarter than this!
No real arguments, huh?
Just harsh empty words.
I feel sad for you…I really do.
Keep putting fate in politicians that will fuck you as soon as they take office.
Keep doing that for years and years and never learn a thing.
Just wear your mask, take the vaccine, watch TV and be a good sheep.
Again…no arguments…no facts…just incoherent mad rambling.
Typical behavior of a cultboy.
Ready for that Kool-aid?
>Are you retarded?
No. That would be the members of this cult.
I'm here to have fun.
I enjoy seeing delusional people get together and play a LARP and actually believe it's all real.
It's fun!
I'm a big fan of RPGs and LARPs, btw.
I have studied hundreds cults in my life.
It's all the same.
"Dear Leader can do no wrong…"
"God is with us…"
"Everybody who say something different from the main scrip is called a shill…"
"Think for yourself, as long you stay in the cult line of thought…"
And so on…it's all the same.
Spain, Portugal and Brazil has lots of people named Jesus.
>and the moment Trump tells us to act, we will act.
You are right. Never heard that from a cult before.
Facts don't bend to your will.
>Cult doesn't come CLOSE
I don't think you understand what a cult is.
But that's fine.
I'll enjoy watching you guys fallow a "false prophet" straight to your doom.
I mean, it's not like it never happened before…
Talking like true cultboy.
Oh boy! This one is going to be great!
Seeing a cult like this develop so fast and become a "monster" like this, is truly fascinating.
>cheer for an illegitimate president?
Again, I have no horse in this race.
I'll be here making fun of the cult members to show how much of idiot you really are.
To wake you up, you see.
That would be you.
Didn't dear leader Trump said was ok to take the vaccine.
Did you take yours?