Alright so check this out. I've been doing quite a bit of thinking over the past couple of weeks about the state of the world right now and whats been going on on this board over ever since this whole thing started. And I've been really trying to truly understand why all these politicians, think tanks, globalist interest groups…(((them))) essentially, are the way they are. I've even been trying very hard to understand their evil agendas, nwo, satanic worshipping culture, all things evil etc etc and I've been trying very hard to work out the logic behind it all. I can't seem to.
To just say that they're evil and what not just seems too overly simplistic. I get that these bunch of cunts are pure evil. No doubt about that. But I'm looking at it from a point of "the grand scheme of things". And one of Q's most notable line is "these people are stupid". It got me thinking:
What if these people are ACTUALLY STUPID? As in mentally retarded. Like "special needs" kind of retards? I mean hundreds of years of inbreeding and mkultra and all that shit has bound to have its affects on them right?
I mean think about it for a moment. Looking back at what we know now, in all honesty though, you have to really be some kind of a special retard in order to even make the kind of decisions that they've been making. Look at the clown world that we're living in right now.
I know I'm not articulating this very well right now. I'm quite high atm. kek.