still free as a bird and openly mocking us
sorry anons but HRC much like Obama and the rest of the heavy hitters in the SWAMP are untouchable. This becomes more clear the further along the timeline we go. Oh but here's $600 for your obedience.
>has 23 mutations—but acquired suddenly 17 mutations “all at once”—which experts say is a feat never seen before.
What in the ever loving fuck is going on?
I am experiencing a psychotic BREAK from reality. Maybe this really is just one big simulation.
trips of truth
press [F]
Back with my wife in Tennessee
When one day she called to me
Said "Virgil, quick, come see,
There goes the Robert E. Lee!"
Now, I don't mind chopping wood
And I don't care if the money's no good
You take what you need
And you leave the rest
But they should never
Have taken the very best
The night they drove old Dixie down
And the bells were ringing
The night they drove old Dixie down
And all the people were singing
They went, "Na, na, la, na, na, na"
Mainstream media has ignored pandemic of child-sex trafficking. Sadly, Atlanta is often described as ground zero for this heinous crime & abuse of children.
MSM has also ignored & covered up shocking level of pedophilia in our country.
Remember: God loves the little children.
JUST IN - Nuclear submarine USS Georgia armed with up to 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles entered the Persian Gulf - U.S. Navy