Hello Seal Team, we have a round up mission for you on the 17th
17 kek
You can not control what others think and do, (try as some might, you really can't) you can only control yourself.
If you are Patriot and comfy, good on you, if you are not, well, that's your problem, not mine ;-)
nut uhh…. you are!
Projection: A Gaslighter’s (karen) Signature Technique
Whatever the gaslighter/narcissist (karen) is or whatever he is doing, he will assign those characteristics or behaviors to you. It’s done almost to comedic effect – if it wasn’t so potentially damaging to your career. At work, your gaslighting/narcissistic (karen) boss will write on your performance review that you are always late. However, you are punctual to a fault – it’s your boss who consistently shows up late. Your coworker accuses you of hacking into their laptop – however, you have seen him lurking around your laptop when he thought you couldn’t see him. Your kleptomaniac cubemate is constantly accusing you of stealing things off her desk.
In a relationship, the gaslighter/narcissist (karen) will constantly accuse you of cheating. He will check your phone, barrage you with questions when you are 30 minutes late from work, even have you followed. You have given no signs that you are cheating, yet your gaslighting/narcissist partner (karen's) brings up your supposed cheating all the time. However, as is the case with many gaslighters/narcissists (karen), they are actually are doing the cheating. When you confront the gaslighter/narcissist (karen) about his cheating, he turns it around on you and says you are accusing him because you are one really doing the cheating. The gaslighter/narcissist (karen) continues his game of projection- now using it as a strategy to deflect from being caught.
Why do gaslighters/narcissists (karen's) project? In part, it distracts from their own bad behaviors.
God Bless this Patriot! But I expect his twitter page to go dark soon, [They] can't let the truth spread, save the video, screencap his twitter post, link, share and spread now!