–A Christmas Miracle part 2==
Well I'll ask again:
What evidence is there that while he was digging round inside the Mueller SCO & FBI 7th floor files, Jensen could only see or document files related to the Flynn case?
What other cases were the Mueller SCO and the FBI top floor pursuing that Jensen would be able to find in there if he was looking?
Carter Page?
Roger Stone?
George Papadopoulos?
How about this?
Case files about FBI CI investigations started up BEFORE Crossfire launched?
That declass on Thursday where Strzok is talking to Lisa Page about **other federal CI Trump/Russia collusion cases that were already in play before Crossfire Hurricane launched on July 31, 2016 was huge.
Ya think there were any FILES in the Mueller SCO/FBI HQ about those? Hmmm?
Now I know what you're thinking.
Same people who didn't tell you Durham was already hot on the trail of the SpyGate plotters in April 2017 also just told you over a week ago that Durham didn't get handed his own SCO until October 19.
Let me ask you a question:
Do you think the DOJ would hide the fact Durham was running a de facto Special Counsel's office of his own long before they made the paperwork official and wrote a letter about it?
Because it's starting to look that way to me.
Huber's investigating for Durham
Jensen's investigating for Durham [handing off documents to blow up the Flynn case was a side bonus!]
Bash's investigating for Durham.
Durham's always been the guy.
And nobody could leak there was a new SCO because it wasn't OFFICIAL.
There was no official letter or document that could leak where anybody could point to it and say "Holy crap, Durham's just been handed the authority of a Special Counsel and now he's got all these other US Attorneys investigating cases for him!"
They actually have never been independent of each other.
They have been connected all along.
The SpyGate plotters were kept in the dark as much as possible, so was the corporate media, which would've crossed Heaven & Earth to sabotage a new SCO if they'd known about it.
Look again at who the targets were of what I now believe has been a clandestine Durham SCO for the past several years.
LOOK connected and powerful all these people are.
Had a SpyGate SCO been openly declared in 2017, 2018 or 2019, what would have happened to it?
If a SpyGate Special Counsel's Office had been openly and transparently declared in 2017, 2018, 2019 or even early 2020, do you need ME to tell you what forces would have instantly been brought to bear on the poor fellow in charge of it, and all his investigators?
Let's ask….KEN STARR!
Remember the circus the Starr investigation was turned into back in the 1990's? How Democrats & the media went after him and his team with a vengeance?
And we didn't even have the media atmosphere we have today.
Whitewater was a tempest in a teapot compared to the MASSIVE SCOPE of the SpyGate scandal. SpyGate is only 1,000x worse than Watergate was. HOW would you SHIELD the top guy and his top investigators from what Democrats & media would want to give to them GOOD & HARD?
If Durham shows the full evidence of their crimes and prosecutes, that's a tectonic shift right there.
The Swamp would fight with every dirty trick at it's disposal to keep that from happening.
How do you protect the SpyGate investigation and the SpyGate investigators?
You seed the media, both left and right, with disinformation that NOTHING IS HAPPENING, Sessions lost his nerve, Whitaker was a patsy, Barr is a disgrace, Durham/Huber/Bash/Jensen are useless, SpyGate investigation went nowhere, just killing time, etc.
Worked like a charm.
I can wait to be right.
Durham's Special Counsel's Office is hard at work.
After Trump is sworn in on Jan. 20, it's going to dawn on a whole lot of people the Durham SCO is quite real.
Brian Cates