the one who locked the other bread is an asshole of the highest order.
FYI to all who don't know why the baker(s) are like this:
there is one baker team. the conflict is a pretense, a punch and judy show, so that they can haze the posters.
what you describe for others maybe the plan for you.
what you plot is the plot that gets used on you, anon, is my point.
I don't plot in that way and suggest what you suggested.
so I don't worry about it happening to me.
I wish you'd understand my point instead of trying to deflect.
I repeat it over and over, the curse that one makes orbits back to them.
one day sticks out when I was sure for sure.
I'd been saying it was a Punch and Judy show and getting a lot of blow back from the bitch.
then I stepped backed and watched someone else go at it with the bitch.
next thing the whole 'split bread' bullshit happens.
it had been an overnight of this too, constnat split breads.
we get to the new 'saved from the enmey baker bread' and it's supposedly the anti anime baker.
but the baker morphed right back into being anime baker again!
it was the same person in all the breads just pretending to be different people and forgot which role it was supposed to play that id, because it was too tired.
I was convinced then: it really is just a production that they run in the breads to keep it confusing.
I thought they were immortal spirits?
they need to be contained. Can you 'kill' them?
no, I'm not in that realm of thought that you're in, anon.
Did adam make any more Q splaining?
loyalty to Mars ,no Zeus?
oh the 'all powerful' propagandists.
bullshit to that.
here is a point: we always kjnow who you are long before we break off contact.
you think we are fooled, but we are just observing.
Hear that Jimmsiee?