This is true. She was a mod on CBTS, if I'm not mistaken.
She does this thing now where she pretends that Q isn't real, publicly, just like all the rest. If you recall, Q doesn't want any glory. They don't want it to be about Q. This should have become obvious when @POTUS was asked directly, and gave an indirect answer with enough meat for anons to chew on, and keep pressing on. They (Q) want it to be a movement. Can't have a movement with leaders. So, since she's rejected Q, she's embraced; just like all the others that have rejected Q and get attention from all the white hats.
Shills come here to use the "Q" identity to divide. Anons spent a bit too much time on the "paytriot" angle, and the shills ran with that to drive a wedge. It's how it works; adds to the fog of war. If you were to take a more, ahem, 'biblical' approach, you'd say "He that is for us cannot be against us". Think about the message as opposed to the messenger. Don't endorse "people". Endorse the message.
Separate the person from the message; no matter your inclinations otherwise. Hard to do, but necessary. The shills will show themselves eventually. Also consider the possibility that some of these folks might be getting setup for some reveals, themselves, later on. There's always that possibility. Always.