>450+ MIL planes
average of less than 10 planes per state
given the massive number of aircraft that MIL has, doesn't seem unusual
>450+ MIL planes
average of less than 10 planes per state
given the massive number of aircraft that MIL has, doesn't seem unusual
but…butt…muh patriot
"limited", not a military "take over" of all govt
DJT will always be at the top of command chain, NOT the fucking pentagon
>1. Why are the state police dressed like special operators?
because police have long ago been "militarized" and many are "former" soldiers
also they really really get off on muh tacticool halloween costumes, much badass look to compensate for micro penis
>Here's A Breakdown Of Everything Inside The $900BN Stimulus Bill, And What It Means For The US Economy