$600 -→ F00
The Foo were a species that terrorized the earth for many eons, until the Foo Fighters appeared, and drove the species to extinction.
$600 -→ F00
The Foo were a species that terrorized the earth for many eons, until the Foo Fighters appeared, and drove the species to extinction.
A (presence/force/being/no one really knows) that is the biggest threat to our civilisation and could collapse all economies around the world in an instant. Luckily the Foo fighters have been fighting the foo and protecting our delicate social constructs from this almighty enemy.
The invisible enemy
https ://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=foo
NP MMconel
An term used for unimportant variables in programming when the programmer is too lazy to think of an actual name. The origin of such word is described in detail in RFC 3092.
sauce same link as foo the invisible enemy
https ://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=foo
Nancy P and cocaine mitch the programmer to lazy to think give 600 -→ FOO
>A (presence/force/being/no one really knows) that is the biggest threat to our civilisation and could collapse all economies around the world in an instant.
the great reset -→ FOO
vicanos letter to POTUS
The invisible enemy
health dictatorship
friend of FOE
Friend or FOE
$600 cult > NP cocaine mitch