Senator Rand Paul will NOT support "Reckless Spending"
Today around 1:45 I'll speak on the effect Congress’ reckless spending will have on future generations and once again I'll call for finding savings in the current budget to pay for our priorities and reopening the economy. Watch here:
The coffers are bare. We have no rainy day fund. We have no savings account. Congress has spent all of the money. Congress spent all of the money a long time ago.
The monster spending bill presented today is not just a ‘deficit’s don’t matter disaster,’ it is everything Republicans say they don’t believe in.
To so-called conservatives who are quick to identify the socialism of the Democrats, if you vote for this spending monstrosity you are no better. When you vote to pass out free money, you lose your soul and you abandon forever any semblance of moral integrity.
There is no free money to get us out of this situation. In fact, there is no more money at all. The answer is not printing up and distributing ``free money'' to everyone. The answer is immediately opening the economy.
We can choose to let our economies open, with guidance and precautions but not obstruction. Let people rebuild their livelihoods. Reopen our schools so kids can learn and parents can go back to working and earning a living.
Congress should do away with automatic spending increases and scrutinize where in our budget we can find savings to pay for the pressing needs arising from the pandemic. This is what I prefer and what I have proposed.
Or Congress can follow the status quo: Congress can continue to borrow from our kids–the same ones whom we have locked out of schools. Congress can keep enabling the shutting down of business by force, spend all of today's money and all of tomorrow's money.
It doesn't have to be this way. This debt crisis is a preventable crisis. It is not too late to change our course. Cut unnecessary spending, eliminate waste, stop fighting a $50 billion per year forever war in Afghanistan. Make the hard decisions now.
I will oppose this new debt, and I will continue to sound the alarm until we change our course here in Congress.