Awaken Sleeping Ones: The Marxist Plan to Destroy America (1 of 2)
The “commies” are coming for America? Yeah, your joking, right? But I thought we defeated the evil USSR back in 1991, so why should we worry now?
Well, it may be true that the USSR was defeated, or should we say they somewhat defeated themselves, the Marxist, communist, or socialist (communism-lite) ideologies lingers on. After all, the originators of these ideologies knew that the implementation would span the rises and falls of various state entities.
In the 20th century, the world defeated “that” age of Marxist ideologies – both the communists and fascists (two peas in a pod). These ideologies are antithetical to our current Western Civilization that has been built and enjoyed. Unfortunately, Marxism is once again trying to raise its ugly head – which was responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people in this same 20th century. A 21st-century Marxist attempt could be far more catastrophic!
In a recent poll, Americans said that 40% prefer socialism to capitalism – for women, it is as high as 55%, for the youth it is near 70%. Have they forgotten the past? With their clever rebranding and using the tricks of their trade, people are being suckered into these same evil ideologies once again – envy politics. So what are these tricks of the trade?
It’s not appropriate, of course, to look just at the famous Manifesto of the Communist Party of 1847 as a guide to the conversion today of the capitalist state to a communist state. The progressive and social democratic movements of the US and Europe at the end of the 19th century enacted some of the communist party’s demands as pre-emptive measures to defang the radical change, and of course, out of a charitable desire to mitigate the harshest conditions of industrialization. Perhaps this Communist Manifesto (68 pages) is too long to read, so their leaders did provide summaries. Click here for Communism’s 45 goals to destroy America. Click here for Marx’s and Engel’s Ten Steps to Communism.
All these sources are really saying the same thing. Do you think this is still just a fable? Take a few minutes and watch Yuri Bezmenov who is an actual ex-KGB Press and Propaganda Agent, explaining how they operated in the old Communist USSR:
. . . article continues continued in part 2