Where’s the crypto nerds…looks like a coded message
The Jews newest ghetto
Watermelons and Rust
House of Windsor under attack……Jews are broke, they need to steal some dough or they all get ass reamed by Satan
Now ya get it
Looks like Billy Barr ate all the evidence
Is it hard to type with your boyfriends dick in your ass?
The low low gave you away nigger
That’s the Jewyist sentence ever
Heard a Judge once tell a guy, “Facts don’t matter in court, only opinions matter”
It’s a fucking joke…..Doctors?….have these flaky chumps running for the vaccine cuz they be muh “at risk”
I was taught the medical industry was complete BS…..my personal experiences and watching TV just reinforces that ideal
80% of medical research cannot be recreated
Shouldn’t the Oregon pigs be looking for missing kids?
Just saying
The Dem/commie/faggots want Pelosi as POTUS
They knew nobody would vote for her
Kammie is in Pelosis pocket, she will step down cuz muh citizenship
Nancy P becomes VP….and hours later Biden has massive stroke….Nancy P as faggot loving prez
Fauci is such a dope
They did same narrative during AIDS epidemic
Claimed it had mutated and would infect all straight people
Never happened
Why would a new drug be used on new virus? Why did they NOT use mRNA on AIDS?…..cuz they already control the homos, they work at the FBI
Postal inspectors would check rubber bands for cracks