From PB PF report:
82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA sw
VENUS91 USAF C-32A heading back to JBA after some fly bys at Grennsboro, NC Piedmont Int'l
same at Yeager Airport WVA earlier
There’s some mix up here. I was tracking the touch and go flight at Yeager and asked if PF’s knew anything about the callsign it was using which was VENUS42
It was also showing as a Gulfstream 5…and…o completely lost it as it was heading towards VA.
Anyone have info on VENUS42?
Another PF commented on AZAZ flights to Yeager. Could be a few reasons for this. There’s some Spoopy SF training going on in the Mt. Hope area. I think Yeager also got a refueling contract for mil top offs.