SARS-CoV-2 = Virus
CoVID-19 = Disease
Just for information.
Don't shoot the messenger. They should know.
After all, they own it.
SARS-CoV-2 = Virus
CoVID-19 = Disease
Just for information.
Don't shoot the messenger. They should know.
After all, they own it.
Lacking a brain, the human buttocks has no
capacity to even take an intelligence test.
Therefore, it cannot be labeled 'stupid' or
'smart' (as in smart-ass).
A 'bitch' is a female dog, and since Mark Mea-
dows clearly identifies as White, being born in
France to parents, his father from Arkansas, his
mother from Tennessee. They settled in North Carolina, which is the state Mr. Meadows serves
in Washington. Or did you mean 'nigger' as a
misspelling of 'ginger.' I must admit, attempts
to establish Mr. Meadows European ancestry
were unsuccessful. But that would not auto-
matically indicate he was of African descent.
So, indeed, your suggested quote would be
most likely a fabrication, unless you were
addressing your own family history?
You, of course, are entitled to your opinions, and,
in consequence of your supposed legal status as
a citizen of this country, your right to Free Speech.
But then, I AM AS WELL, on both counts.
First, I must confess to you that, upon exam-
ination of the picture you supplied, the female
is a reasonably attractive woman, as many on
this bread would agree. She presents as de-
cidedly human female, so your terming her a
'bitch' (a female dog) is far afield of the mark,
None of the above can bespeak her moral or
vocal behavior, which I have not witnessed
personally. Perhaps that is where your com-
plaints and criticism should lie, then. For it is
very true, that repugnant behavior or moral
depravity can twist the features noticeably.
One need only witness the accompanying
picture to make this point. Thank you for
your kind attention.
Isaiah 8:19-20 (KJV)
19 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?
20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.