Pence. The last betrayal. If you're expecting Pence to do anything BUT betray Trump in that final moment you haven't been paying attention.
I know.
I think that would be shocking indeed.
I know you're fair on cheerleaders for the military but every general Trump had on staff except Flynn was bent. As above, so below. Do you think THEY have spent all this time fucking up everything else with their commie bullshit and left the military alone? They literally take anything with a pulse now.
ZERO idea why she ever got hired. She's a commie leftist larping for our team.
I was thinking Trump would have Pence removed on inauguration day in front of the world. However Pence is likely to refuse to follow the law just like everyone else has therefore we won't make it to inauguration day. I don't think Trump can replace Pence BEFORE inauguration because then the GOP will just give him another Rhino to fuck shit up behind the scenes…again.
Is January 6th inauguration day? What happened last time everyone went to DC? What are you expecting to happen this time? Unarmed sitting ducks.
Who are you showing what? that you haven't shown a hundred million times already? Show them again? Dude our "representatives" just gave trillions of our dollars to other countries while they stand on our necks. Can't you tell how terrified they are of us? Israel never loses don't you know? Unless American Christians wake the fuck up….(and that will never happen) they are going to finally realize that Israel hates them and has been using them for centuries to spark wars on their behalf because Jesus.
There's no way out of this UNLESS they wake up and they've not shown any signs of it in four years.
The Goa'uld rule us….their tech has evolved so they don't show up like they do in this statue…..the parasites rule us with fear and lies.
Failed rocket launch…jaysus wtf is wrong with you people?
OLD news. SRSLY? Old like from years ago. They were probably collecting evidence to destroy it.
I know. But if you're expecting to push the line all the way to inauguration day THEN hit patriots with "oops sorry this dude you cheered for is a traitor too"…it does feel like a bridge too far.
There is literally nothing to stop the military from acting on their own and cordoning off streets in DC and mass arresting patriots. Name ONE general just one holding a command position that you KNOW is a patriot? (Flynn doesn't count–not a command position).
I trust none of them and will not be joining anyone on any march in a place where I am unable to lawfully defend myself.
It was about Joe Biden attempting to have Jr. kidnapped.