Way to go, E-Baker
blah blah blah
At this point, I don't know who they are reaching with the constant 'stay tuned' tweets, and 'what if this', and "grab this latest straw" tweets.
The final act is going to be the final act, whenever it comes.
(LB Vaccine related)
Since you brought it up, I want to share some findings that anon has been researching for mom anon.
Her simple question was, are there really aborted baby parts? That led me to learning all I could about the vaccine so I could give her accurate answers, as I won't be taking it myself.
It turns out that SARS-Cov2 is a lot like SARS-Cov1, and MERS. SARS and MERS had vaccine development underway already, which was never completed due to the fizzling of those outbreaks in the real world. Funding dried up for the vax research, since there was no need.
But it did establish a foundation for current research and Cov-2 vax, aka Covid-19. They had a head start in other words. Also, the mRNA method itself is quicker and more flexible to develop. Finally, the vaccine companies during the summer time took a government-funded risk by pre-ordering millions of doses before they had the trials done. It was a gamble, because they may have needed to destroy them all if the trials failed. But SUPPOSEDLY the gambe paid off, which is why it seems like the vaccines appeared overnight.
It should be noted that the mRNA technique can be thought of like passing 'code' instructions to the nucleus DNA. In the case of Covid, it only takes a 'spike protein' to grow on the cell to trigger an immune response from the body. Since this is such a more flexible and programmable approach than bacterial or viral vaccines, it seems to me that it "enhances the possibilites" of what could "creatively" be done with vaccines in the futre.
We must remember how satan works. Truth mixed in with lies. This Covid mRNA vax may well be harmless and turn into some giant revelation for public health, and get embraced by the whole world. And it looks like it could be easily manipulated by those with nefarious intent, as most of us here fear.
My assessment: It's a TRAP
Oh Sloane, give daddy a kiss
Its a rocket launch, where two boosters break off. The two white fireballs are the boosters. One of them does some weird ripple looking bluebeam shit at one point. Pretty cool Im guessing an atmospheric effect.