Anonymous ID: e6da06 Dec. 21, 2020, 9:48 p.m. No.12127353   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In China as you know they don't do elections, except rituals CCP style every 5 yrs. Chinese war gurus wrote that they will take the rest of the world down by its own systems; so if it takes voting machines software protests, CCP takes down each place with its specific own means.

when it comes to the 'Russian server' op in Germany seized last weekend by US military. . the whole Frankfurt ECB Germany area 60 miles radius is CIA stronghold or contaminated zone. Nothing goes on there without CIA NSA bros & sisters having their fingers in it. Ask Snowden!


Sidney Powell asked for Haspel's scalp.

That's very big. It s like the championship trophy.

Last guy who tried that was J F K

bottom line statement assessment

Hamilton's construct - as old as it is

plus his re-incarnated followers practitioners

will prove more resilient than Mao's red families.


Atheism & materialism is 2 dimensional

we are in 5th dimension chess, believe it or not,

with aces up sleeves


I doubt Sidney is telling us 10% of it, a lot more coming in out. Oct 31 FullMoon Obsidian Mirror Quadrant Energy reflects shines light back


The idiots never expected this

Millions people speak out. wow

They sell election steal system as RESULT

Who paid tons money for this Op?


Hamilton never said to create structures - FBI political police See Eye Aye NSA to mess up / control whole planet. Pare down Govt to night watch state function - army navy air force. Plus judges who say what is OK or not OK. Leave rest self organized locally. Their problem.