Descheduling Cannabis federally and hemp, will bring all those who would have voted democrat to the trump platform in 2018 and 2020..we need an Executive Order because Scheduling is Unconstitutional.
If I Were Trump I would do a Commercial:
" I Have a message for our youth. The war on drugs was and is a failure. We are going after the end users instead of the bad people who sell dangerous and deadly drugs. For many years Cannabis has been demonized as a drug, and the public was told that smoking it lead to this or that. In reality my focus is not on the end users of Cannabis, it is not dangerous, but that said it should not be something you go to to escape lifes problems. Actually when people in the past implemented prohibition of Cannabis, they wanted to create an entire class of "Stoners", people who smoke it, because they needed to create an illegal black market for profit and various corrupt industries to benefit.
I am speaking to our youth today to simply say this…If i decide to Deschedule Cannabis thru executive order, it is NOT because i want you to go out and get Baked. I believe this plant is a Gift from GOD when properly used medicinally, and i also have been studying information from doctors doing research into the benefit of growing and eating fresh cannabis flowers. Kids, please don't smoke it, and if someone passes you a bong or a joint and your not yet at least 21 years old, please say "no Thanks, i'm too young for that". If you respect yourselves and your future, we can all Make America Great Again, we can boost our economy with all natural hemp products, we can stop jailing people of color for minor crimes and we can all become healthier and happier.
Thank You