Anonymous ID: c78a9b April 27, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.1213015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3046 >>3413 >>3429 >>3452

>>1211940 (last bread)



Thanks for this, Brother.


I too found that Tweet somewhat odd, forced.

Totally agree it is Q relevant now,

As is that MAGA hat with "Q+" on it,

Scribed by GEOTUS himself.


Confirms a few things:

#1: Ye recruited by and coordinated actions with POTUS

#2: "the Plan" includes a wide variety of assets

#3: Ye reveal was def the MOAB

#4: Q means for us to start recognizing /ourguys/

#5: Q+ probably indicates aux Q-team, such as Ye


Bottom line:

Q/GEOTUS not fucking around.

Q is no conspiracy "theory",

But rather a full-on CONSPIRACY,

With actors planted to trigger on 'Q'.


Like remember how POTUS signalled,

That SA should begin taking out the trash;

Remember there was a specific Tweet that greelit it?


Wonder if we can find sth similar,

A POTUS Tweet or Q drop,

Coordinating signals to Ye, prior to MOAB…