Anonymous ID: d56756 April 27, 2018, 2:21 p.m. No.1213674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3699


Think logically.


The left is comprised of a 'super-tribalist' mindset. When one of their own is accused of a crime, the evidence is simply dismissed. You could show people a video of Hillary chowing down on a screaming kid, and they would not process the information because it was shown to them by someone who was not 'of the tribe'. Even if you are part of the tribe, there are limits to your ability to expose members/leaders of the tribe. Be too aggressive in attacking the personality cult, and you are no longer part of the tribe and are 'them.'


This is the cruel brutal reality of tribal behavior. 'She may be a cannibal vampire, but she is our cannibal vampire and we won't have interlopers destabilizing our society.'


That is why the focus has been on slowly separating the groups held hostage by the left. The left is comprised of 'minorities' who have been convinced they are under attack by perceived majorities. By showing that the minority identifiers are inferior to our general experience as humans and exposing the betrayals of the left - the left is being slowly dismantled such that there are fewer people who see it as a core part of their identity. They can now begin to accept evidence of wrongdoing by the empire of lies.


What would these people do if they felt they were under attack by people they assume to be infinitely worse than the criminals leading the cabal?