Anonymous ID: e95734 April 27, 2018, 2:05 p.m. No.1213499   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've had an unbearable skin condition for the past five years. I was supposed to be going on immuno-suppressants to deal with it. I said I didn't want to, but the NHS (foreign doctor, no bedside manner) basically said it was that or fuck off.

I'm not taking them. Fuck it. Don't trust them.

I've noticed a massive improvement in the past few days. Massive.

I've never believed any of this chemtrail stuff, but anons are saying the 'spraying' has stopped lately. I'm not sure if I believe in coincidences anymore.

I live right underneath an air traffic lane (whatever the term is).

I don't know what to believe about anything anymore.