>>12126874 (pb)
Exactly, anon! Mother f'ers in Congress pulled down something like $456. a day including during holidays and breaks, which have become so numerous and lengthy, that it seems like they are approaching being on "vacation" more than they actually work!
I believe the numbers for us former working stiffs now on unemployment due to the Scamdemic for the period since the last Federal stimulus relief calculates out to something like 45 cents a day. After that slap in the face what do they finally give us hanging on by a thread? Half the stimulus check we received before, and half the Federal UI subsidy that we received before! And this is touted as some great accomplishment! Meanwhile, Multi-Billionaire Bill Gates gets Billions for trying to kill us all off with his eugenics vaccine, and religious fraudster Joel Osteen gets Millions, and that fuck doesn't even pay taxes!With few exceptions, these treasonous, corrupt fucks need to all be dragged out of the halls of Congress and strung up on the nearest lamp posts! Send them a message: we ain't "playing" anymore!
Think we might have reached that proverbial "precipice" yet, Q?