the bill is a 'push MAGA's face into dogshit' bill
whenever the pink cake little girl creep anime is in the bread it always leads to pink cake pornime.
it's never OK, it's always horid.
if it were a mix of different characters, and monsters or story people, but it's always child pink cake.
and if you do searches for porn on line the exact same images that the freak uses here are the ones you find get peppered into the google images along with all the other porn, as a sick joke.
and they will have 'parts', same artists. same effort to damage people psychologically.
the perversion of a psychogy team of deep state assholes, and my objection to it is, from the other anon is 'limited scope' and 'small minded'
the spychologist tells you what it wants you to imagine yourself as, and then proceeds as if you fall for it's stupid mind games.
they make the operational mind-fuck of MK ultra into someone being 'stylisiticsally limited' and 'close minded'
We see through your crap, dillhole.
you keep describing somthing but it's not me.
you don't know me, and you haven't been following along so you telling me I am not wrong and then writing an unsolvable riddle is you just being Bob no Job quality asshole.
trying to fuck with people's heads
resorts to insulting the sweetest of young people . . .
and fails at being a real person.
funny as in 'odd smelling and fowl'
it is concerning if they give 1800 dollars to each alledged illegal considering that probably many of them are multiple people.
and so the money goes to just one person.
If they vote 20 times whywouldn't they also have 20 different welfare identities and 100s of fake depependant children?
I didn't make lies. I commented on what I read was in the bill.
the shills want no dissent on the Pokulous bill.
what about the ones in a basement in Delaware?