Exactly right anon. Returns a 95% False Positive. This is why "infections" are skyrocketing. We just let them get away with it. Should be lining these motherfuckers up against a wall and executing their evil asses.
Well, I beg to differ anon. If Biden is sworn in it will just be a matter of time and we will definitively know two things, Q was a psy-op against US which I find damn near to be impossible, and saving this Republic will be up to US. Protesting ain't gonna do the job at this point. Some may stand aside and allow it to happen. The majority of Patriots will not. At that point, "THEY", truly will no be able to walk the streets.
POTUS signs this? He's done. Might as well go ahead stop all legal action, start the transition. This bill once again, like all other bills done at the last fucking second, thousands of pages, money for every fucking pork grabbing motherfucker, our money for foreign bullshit like gender something or another in Pakistan and who the hell knows what else is in this criminal bill?
Where is this money coming from? NO WHERE. Made up out of THIN FUCKING AIR. Know what this does to our buying power? A dollar buys .70 cents worth of goods. 27,000,000,000 TRILLION DOLLARS of annual debt.
I'll reiterate, POTUS signs this bill? He will be done. They win.
How convenient.
Think so anon. We have let this go on for far too long. I've got the feeling that POTUS, Q & Team erred. 16 year plan to destroy America was just delayed a bit. No worries. Back on schedule shortly.
Well, I'm just all broken up about those poor terrorist being tortured after what these human examples of feces did to US. Here on our own soil? This is why in the end, they would win had President Trump not been elected. Colin Powell? Fuck Colin Powell. His ass ought to be renditioned to one of these black sites himself.
POTUS should veto this monetary crime against the US people and let the congress override it. POTUS can use it to his advantage.
Yes, it probably does.
Whitaker should be reinstalled as the acting AG until he can be confirmed permanently. Perhaps he will be willing to bring the FUCKING P-A-I-N to those that so richly deserve it.