Jews ain’t gonna make huge bucks on phony vax
So, ya force Congress stooges to give you billions
Jews are broke and need cash or they ALL get ass reamed by Satan
Jews ain’t gonna make huge bucks on phony vax
So, ya force Congress stooges to give you billions
Jews are broke and need cash or they ALL get ass reamed by Satan
Paid leave
A Jewish, passive - aggressive plan to destroy small biz
Taxpayers never asked for paid leave or FMLA…..Jews just made it up
Best thing about Biden the Commie being POTUS
We can give out tips on how to COMPLETELY fuck the government up……not that hard…..dumb fuckers still don’t where I live cuz I fucked their system up years ago
Stay tuned
Mass arrests……kek…….police are helpless, NG are pussies
Arrest me for supporting my country? You can go suck some gay dick….cuz YOU or the government ain’t man enough
Goodbye ya fat fucking civil servant
Fuck the courts and the faggot judges running them
Lawyer circle jerk
Put some fancy Latin words on a building and act high and mighty
Fuck your Jew system
On today’s episode of “The Old and The Greedy”
How to fleece taxpayers
Socialized welfare out of control……government are the bottom feeders of life
Fuck Georgia…..never use UPS….commies going through your packages
Watermelons and Rust
Fuck Georgia
I’m sick of hearing about a bunch of Southern buttfuckers
Cut em loose……let Georgia be it’s own country…so we can nuke it and push it into the sea
Fuck Georgia
Government employees…aka…..useless meat puppets
None of you fuckers came forward to report crimes? That violates your employment requirements. Read your manual, you are “compelled” to report crimes… didn’t
Bye bye pensions