>>12132148 (/lb)
>What has succeeded?
That which has been reacted to with shills on 8kun trying to trick everyone into believing nothing has, is, or will happen without the expressed consent of the deep state.
Q successfully exposed the existence of an election fraud criminal syndicate that had up until 11.3 escaped detection within the 'narrative'. You will never convince me that it is a failure for what had been kept secret since before millions and millions were even born, to be exposed to the world successfully and bypassing fake news blockades.
You will never convince me that the country and world awakening to all the problems you are talking about, are anything other than ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO EXPOSE FIRST.
You can't just go arrest people when the world has no clue what they did and how far their evil and treachery extend.
You low IQ concernfags need a new script from your satanic masters. It's not working.