Veto the stimulus bill.
Vote No on the stimulus bill.
Spam your house reps and senators on this.
Veto the stimulus bill.
Vote No on the stimulus bill.
Spam your house reps and senators on this.
if Biden is sworn in it's OVER.
We will be hunted down and sent to jail or worse.
Anons are asked to forgive and ther eis 4 to 6% lost forver, but the progressive communists will not forgive or forget. They won't. They have a record of everything.
it's not ugly either
no point funding any arts because that's mostly NYC and and DC and no one can fucking go to the show or the galleries due to muh covid and traveling etc.
Just give me a million free and clear and I'll be set.
600 doesnt even cover a grocery bill, let alone rent.
there is no soon, there is only wait.
my challenge to this is if teh silent war is over then where are spoils and pulbic hangings?
We were promised transparency.
no job and no income for 5 years. Didnt even get a covid check.
I cant afford to go to DC on Jan 6.
Father is in the hospital too. Not going fucking anywhere.
The richer anons or those with enough means, please sponsor/take a poor anon to go.
there is no soon, only wait.
but if the war is "over" we need to see the spoils and we need to see teh hangings