>they didn't fix things in 1776 by writing letters.
actually they did. Jefferson et al did not have the internet, or electricity for that mater.
Alex Jones did a disservice to shills here by showing anons how it is done, and all the patterns were present from both sides of the "conflict" last night.
potus can adjorn congress. we're still in a national emergency without the election shit going on.
because it is not a budget bill.
potus can re-allocate an omnibus however he wants.
Congress just handed him wall money and trumpbux.
>I wonder what congressman and senators said they should name it a Budget OMNIBUS bill?
Grammmatically speaking, the subject is "omnibus bill" and "budget" is an adjective.
So it's still an omnibus bill, because you can either have one or the other legal definition of a bill, and there is no legal definition for a "budget omnibus" bill.
word. funny how you posted millions of times last night… but I'm seething. kys nigger.
Trump will be doing whatever he wants with it. period. Ask him
when historians look back on this in hindsight, one of the things that will be said about Trump, is that he showed restraint rivalling the Founders.
TRump has the power right now, to be a dictator, if he wanted it.
He doesn't want it. He wants what the Founders wanted.
That's why it has to be this way.