'10 Days of Darkness, a Christmas Carol'
On the 1st day of darkness, Q gave to me
Hillary in a neck suit!
On the 2nd day of darkness, Q gave to me
2 fallen parties
And Hillary in a neck suit!
On the 3rd day of darkness, Q gave to me
3 broken bloodlines
2 fallen parties
And a Hillary in a neck suit!
On the 4th day of darkness, Q gave to me
4 major Booms
3 broken bloodlines
2 fallen parties
And a Hillary in a neck suit!
On the 5th day of darkness, Q gave to me
4 major Booms
3 broken bloodlines
2 fallen parties
And a Hillary in a neck suit!
On the 6th day of darkness, Q gave to me
6 red swings states
4 major Booms
3 broken bloodlines
2 fallen parties
And a Hillary in a neck suit!
On the 7th day of darkness, Q gave to me
7 newfags learning
6 red swings states
4 major Booms
3 broken bloodlines
2 fallen parties
And a Hillary in a neck suit!
On the 8th day of darkness, Q gave to me
8 agents shilling
7 newfags learning
6 red swings states
4 major Booms
3 broken bloodlines
2 fallen parties
And a Hillary in a neck suit!
On the 9th day of darkness, Q gave to me
9 constitutional judges
8 agents shilling
7 newfags learning
6 red swings states
4 major Booms
3 broken bloodlines
2 fallen parties
And a Hillary in a neck suit!
On the 10th day of darkness, Q gave to me
10 bakers baking
9 constitutional judges
8 agents shilling
7 newfags learning
6 red swings states
4 major Booms
3 broken bloodlines
2 fallen parties
And Hillary in a neck suit!