Anonymous ID: 3e9ffc Dec. 22, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.12134840   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>12134695 Patrick Byrne (Former CEO) hired a super tech team in 2018 and they’ve got it all, that’s why Byrne was in the meeting with POTUS


Byrne was interviewed by Tracy Beanz for about an hour yesterday.


Patrick Byrne @PatrickByrne

Dark To Light: A Meeting With The President via


Dark To Light: A Meeting With The President - UncoverDC

Listen Patrick Byrne joins us today for a passionate conversation about his meeting with the President of the United States.

There isn’t a need for many show notes. If there was ever an episode of the show you need to share with your friends and family, this is it.

Dark To Light: A Meeting With The President

By Tracy Beanz -December 21, 2020

Patrick Byrne joins us today for a passionate conversation about his meeting with the President of the United States. There isn’t a need for many show notes.

If there was ever an episode of the show you need to share with your friends and family, this is it.
