TY Bakes.
UK #21: https://qanon.news/archives/x/10507852
Just examples.
>>12122950 UK
>>12122950 UK
#QANON sticker was featured in the 'black box' pic that Q dropped. The pic showed the label on a box at a BUS SHELTER in WESTMINSTER UK.
There are two 'black box' pics. The smaller scale pic dropped by Q was blurry. An anon found and posted a higher scale pic that had been available online. This one showed details moar clearly; the 'black box' was a transform box at a bus stop, SHELTER 'S', near the ABBEY. From the vantage point of that stop one can see the LONDON EYE as per the previously dropped Q pics of LONDON, UK. The eye can be seen through the gaps in the buildings between VICOTORIA street and RIVER THAMES. The bus stop is near the ABBEY and near the HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT, think BIG BEN as per Q's pics of people on a crosswalk with THE EYE in background.
Look for the original pic that was online prior to the Q drop of the smaller scale version. The theme appears to be the origin of spygate, which may not be about spygate per se but about much moar.
Q has referred to QANON in multiple ways. Multiple meanings. Avoid blinders. Expand your thinking/sight.