does Mr. Pig put catnip in his cookies instead of ginger?
just a question: the meme is made from an image given by white house or Trump team.
all the rest of the grpahics are mine and I made it all. So how could a 'bill' make the meme illegal?
wow I know some Russians that don't take kindly to any kind of fuckery like that.
watch out Joe, those men don't put up with smack talking bullshitters threatening their people.
The daughter of Justice won't be held back in these cases.
I merely explain and comment, and do not recommend these behaviors.
I do recommend that Joe the Blow hard shuttie about nuclear anything and any other foreign nation. if he indeed was so stupid.
do they also have 'laundered money for foreign drug cartels' through their money transfer racket?
anyone white over 40?
the man is long dead, anon.
I didn't attack him.
I don't think he was 'all that'.
how is that an attack?
you accuse me of an attack?
The peace comes from within.
laying down in front of a train isn't peaceful, it's aggitative and disruptive.
'Peace' only works when you are dealing with humans.
When the people in charge are reptile minded doing what Ghandi said just results in needless slaughter.
that's why I say he's not 'all that'
peace? So I can rest in it?