They'll never get it back unless they're able to "seize" it before it's paid out.
How does a one world government exist with so many different military units loyal to their sovereign states?
>Sam Heughan
Would be epic. He's never used "hilarious" as POTUS in a tweet.
Twitter will make Joe Biden’s @POTUS account start with zero followers
President Biden is going to need some Twitter followers. Twitter plans to wipe out all followers from the @POTUS and @WhiteHouse accounts once Biden is sworn in on January 20th, rather than transferring the accounts’ existing followers over to the new administration, according to Rob Flaherty, Biden’s digital director.
The accounts for @VP, @FLOTUS, @PressSec, @Cabinet, and @LaCasaBlanca will also have their followers wiped, Twitter said. The Wall Street Journal reported earlier today that there was contention between the Biden camp and Twitter over whether followers would transfer over.
This is a reversal from what Twitter did in 2017 when the Trump administration took over accounts from the Obama administration. Back then, Twitter essentially duplicated the existing accounts, creating an archive of Obama-era tweets and followers and building a new set of accounts for the incoming administration that retained all of those followers without any of the tweets.
OMFG I just realized something that is probably obvious af but it just fucking hit me like a train…
Everything that's destroying this country is being paid for by us:
We are paying for our children to be brainwashed in schools.
We are paying for entertainment that is propagandized.
We are paying politicians who are creating laws to oppress us.
We are paying for the healthcare of non-citizens.
We are paying teachers who demand schools be closed (while still getting paid)
We are paying for pornography that rots the mind.
We are paying for junk food that makes us fat and lazy.
We are paying our Governors who close down our churches.
We are paying for drugs that make us sick and dependent.
…and in all instances, THEY are getting filthy rich while we are killing ourselves and our country on OUR time. It's utterly diabolical.
he meant "foreign aid" there.