Anonymous ID: 90f8a0 Dec. 22, 2020, 2:27 p.m. No.12136923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6958 >>6981 >>7067 >>7143 >>7204


Oh, look, you made your own banner.

Did you learn how to use microsoft Paint?

What a special little flower you are.

Did your mum like it?

So unique, so individual, so creative.

You could be an artist one day.

Has anyone ever told you that?

You have real talent.

Now, KYS, you little jew faggot naker cunt.

Anonymous ID: 90f8a0 Dec. 22, 2020, 2:37 p.m. No.12137042   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>This board should now officially be characterized as anti Semitic.

>The vast majority of content is now MuhJoo Shill and there's no denying that those who dominate the conversation represent the board.

>Even the fucking bakers are complicit.

>There are no Anons pushing back anymore.

>We were the news, now we are just another stormfront bigot circle jerk.

Oy vey.

This kvetching should now be characterized as kike faggotry.

The vast majority of matzo balls are now hebe foreskin and there's no denying that those in the little hats represent less than 3% of America.

Even the schmendricks are complicit.

There are no baby benises left unsucked.

We were the synagogue of satan, now we are just another zionist Bolshevik critical theorist.