How extensively did you study it?
Koine Greek is like reading a newspaper. Try Sappho and Homer.
Newt just joined the list of people I want to watch die slowly and painfully.
>The Old Guard is being dismantled before our eyes.
This statement exactly explains why Congress feels emboldened to pass a 2.3 trillion dollar bill ass raping America into oblivion.
So much winning.
Neck yourself, Moshe.
Yeah, they seem to have recovered from the shock.
No. More like, an overwhelming percentage of motherfuckers engaged in human trafficking, debt slavery, black magick media, and other forms of malfeasance that make like on Earth hell are Jewish.
You can't die too soon.
The lie still holds power. It kills people every day. So what is your fucking point?
Then who does set the tone?
Fucking Congress is playing life and death games with our supply of intrinsically worthless FRNs. Lives are hanging in the fucking balance, including nieces and nephews of mine who have hardly begun to walk.
I am tired of fucking platitudes. Trump and Q can shove the precipice up their asses.