Anons, in celebration of our fourth Christmas together, I decided to dust off a very helpful pdf that an anon made in December of 2017. (A few sample screenshots are provided in this post.) This was only two months into our journey. Yet this anon and we all had a pretty solid grip about what Q was communicating even after such a short time.
This effort was a work in progress when I downloaded it from 8chan on Dec 21, 2017.
This work was among the first consolidations of information which Q told us to do and was created to explain the movement to all. It was a dang nice effort and extremely helpful with all that it includes. It has Q's posts along with any posts Q referenced (all Q's posts in screenshot form directly form 4 and 8 are also included in several charts.). It has all Q's pictures as they happened and then in a separate collection later on. A very helpful aspect is the World-wide Events after each day of posts giving the context of the post.
Also included are good breakdowns of the Deep State, the Clinton Foundation, Saudi Arabia royal families, Vegas, the Atlanta Airport power outage, a Luciferian pyramid (pic related) showing how many powers are dark powers and much more. It even had a nice understanding of shills and why it is important to not engage with them (pic related.)
Newfags and lurkers, this is your primer for how this movement began. Q 101. Read it. It has great charts and explanations. It chronicles, for example, how on Dec 1, 2017 we moved over to 8ch from 4ch due to heavy shilling. It is, overall, a very good snapshot of where we were at four years ago. I think you will be surprised at how much we had even then.
Merry Christmas, anons, Q, Q team and Q+.