You incognito Bakers have this kitchen running smooth.
Great Baker's Choice with the freshened banner.
You incognito Bakers have this kitchen running smooth.
Great Baker's Choice with the freshened banner.
You're going to need to gather enough Anons sympathetic to your cause or learn to Bake.
Everything else is a slide.
wearethene.ws already on 5 Day long Strike (again) so not a problem right now
Spoken like a true rebel Anon.
F-reeeeeeeeee speech o7
As long as you Bake legit and take good Notes go for it.
Precipice is getting narrower.
Sounds like a plan.
Ready to run the gauntlet during the Bake you first plant it?
It's gonna be rough you'll have to Bake through a lot of noise.
Your memes have been repurposed several times /AnonsKnow/ oldfag chkd.
I admire rebel Anons best wishes.
Bakers Choice is legit.
Anon Choice is the real retard.
It's always Anon Choice it doesn't need a name.
Rumors of a old banner flag planting are getting closer to reality tho.
As long as someone is an attention seeking drama queen that can somehow still keep their shit together I'm fine with that.
The flag of the board is always the one flying over the current bread.
It's day-to-day in the Gulch.
Maybe a white knight will swoop in and plant a Bake with it you never know.
Taking a shift in the kitchen has never been more accessible.
It's a tough gig make sure you're ready for it.