>Kek. How did C get involved in A and B? New Hall Monitor?
Excellent eye anon. She has been at it for over a month.
>Kek. How did C get involved in A and B? New Hall Monitor?
Excellent eye anon. She has been at it for over a month.
>Why? It's just an anonymous twatter account putting up a guess at every person he/she thinks
>committed a crime.
Dont you know? Because we must be organized! We must be controlled! We must be associated! C demands it.
>POTUS just twatted he is doing 2,000 to every American. Told Congress to rewrite it STAT!!!
>video on his twat from a little bit ago
If so, what he has also done is get them to rewrite the bill, which then has to make its way through congress, or am I mistaken?
>Very few have done more for this movement than me. Did you get a scary but special message from Q? I didn't think so.
So now you are hotwheelsโฆ..