This is actually pretty based.
Why would I use clipboard images?
Meh, I mean if shills and trolls are spending all their energy on an anime shitposter.
My work here is done.
Literally a massive portion of your thought process.
Let that sink in.
Who is trolling who?
kek.. imagine living rent free in the minds of shills worldwide.
I'm fucking famous at this point.
kek, imagine being so BTFO by literal cartoons you have to brigade against a singular shitposter.
Life is good.
Imagine being this focused on literal cartoons.
Rent Free
Noticed your friend lost his edge and stopped pantomiming.
Imagine being such dog shit that you can't move your attention away from a literal anime shitposter.
Stay retarded, faggot.
Why don't you spend some energy contributing if that is anything you are capable of doing?
Have you enjoyed the evolution of board consciousness?
I have to leave on 23.
Fight the good fight, anon.
That isn't me.
Some nigger was doing fan fiction.
But yeah, I did pick up the ghost bake.
Literally who?