I'll take:
You should stick to fucking goats.
What is your purpose?
Why is it that we feel like you can't find a job?
Is your father embarrassed of you?
This looks like you have been molested as a child. Was it your father?
Did you know Muhammad was a goat fucking pedo?
So this is why you are so weird in public?
Where you molested by a Mullah?
Imagine being picked on so bad that you can't get a job anywhere else. You are a weird little person.
I guess this is the way you cry out for help when you have been molested?
I really think you should see a good psych doc. Chronic masturbation causes poor hygiene conditions.
Have you ever wondered why every father figure in your life abused you? Everyone here knows why.
They never paid attention to you because you are a weird little person.
Did you have a crush on a girl and she chose some black guy over your weird pudgy ass?
100% of homosexuals were molested.
Not all who get molested choose homosexuality.
Those who choose a homosexual lifestyle are 55% more likely to be a pedo.
Here kitty kitty kittyโฆ..
Nice virtue signal. Did you know there is no cure for Covert narcissism?